“Don’t let schooling interfere with your education”
Full Access
Level Up courses include: Mallet Kung Fu (fundamentals) from the ground up 2-mallet approaches + "Stevens" technique + "Burton" technique + Traditional technique + Exercises + Applications + Interviews + Tricks of the Trade + The Business of Music + recording tips + upclose drum corps pit footage and commentary + individual feedback on your playing + a unique community and much more...
- Valid until July 31 and good for one year
- Regular price $19.99/month
- Courses will be available beginning August 1
- Click below to login or create an account
Percussion & Band Director Group Rates
- A seperate login will be provided for each student up to 20 students
Please contact me for pricing.
*Monthly pricing good for the life of the subscirption providing there is not inturruption. If service is interupted, subscritpion will be restored at the current subscription rate